Digital Addiction , an excessive and compulsive use of Digital devices, online gaming and social media which has impacted the routine life ,and overall personality development . Digital Addiction can manifest in Social Media , internet , gaming and Smartphone addictions.
Digital wellbeing is an active process of growth towards feeling better in the Digital age. It is an appropriate and rational use of technology for growth & Development. It is a journey… always think of results as your check points. Scale your Digital well being through past and present experiences, attitude towards Digital technologies, understanding the impact on your mental health, managing the Digital tools for online content and online communication, and being mindful about your digital well being . “Technology should empower us, not overwhelm us. Digital wellness is about reclaiming control over our attention and time in a world full of distractions.” – Cal Newport
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be an effective approach to intervene & deal with digital addiction. It focuses on identifying and changing unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors related to digital use. Strategies include setting realistic goals, managing triggers, and developing healthier coping mechanisms. Simple techniques like ACG , WISER & WWIN can help in deaddiction from the Digital world.