How do you approach life challenges? Whenever you face a challenging situation whether you think that you will go through it successfully or do you get overwhelmed and feel like a failure? If you think that you will perform pretty well even in difficult times, then you possess a strong belief called self-efficacy.
Self-efficacy is all about having confidence and belief in our own ability to complete a task or achieve goals. Our belief in our own ability to succeed plays a role in how we think, act & feel about our place in the World.
Self-efficacy , a concept introduced by psychologists Albert Bandura, refers to your belief in your own ability to succeed in specific situation or tasks. It’s about having the belief that your efforts will lead to positive outcomes. Having a strong sense of self efficacy makes you motivated, increase your resilience and improve your overall well-being. With the high self-efficacy, you are more likely to take new opportunities, overcome obstacles and roadblock and achieve success in personal and professional areas. Self-efficacy is not a fixed trait, it can be developed and strengthen over time.
The four keys to increase your self – efficacy are
- Learn by Action- Engaging in activities always yields new learning opportunities . Past successes serve as a solid base for self – confidence . Hands on experience allows for a deeper understanding of how things function and helps uncover one’s own capabilities. Setting attainable goals is a key to gaining valuable experience , so start with small, realistic objectives.
- Learn from observation-. Watching others tackle tasks or overcome challenges teaches that success is achievable with comparable skills and abilities. Coping strategies are acquired through learned behaviors. Children primarily learn these strategies from their parents and teachers.
- Learn from Social connections: Learn positive things from social settings. Positive feedback and encouragement from others about one’s strength and capabilities helps in building self – efficacy.
- Physiological & Emotional States – Physical and mental sensations experienced when facing a task or challenge influences how one manages themselves in such situation. Employing techniques like breathing exercises and mindfulness can help to calm oneself during stressful situations and enhance one’s ability to handle and manage situation effectively.
Self efficacy is a powerful mindset that can boost your confidence to overcome from obstacles, achieve your goals and unlock your full potential. The journey to self efficacy begins with a single step – believe in yourself.